OpenPlant Modeler Help

Circular Platform - Handrail tab

Used to position and set offset to the members of circular platform.

Handrail Setting
  • Side Offset – Sets the offset value which moves the handrail polygon from the outer edge of the circular platform to the outside. This permits mounting the handrail outside the circular platform on other shapes or on the wall. A positive value determines the distance. A negative value is to be read as its absolute value. The default is 0.
  • Height Offset – Sets the offset value which moves the handrail polygon from the upper surface of the circular platform to the top. A positive value determines the distance. A negative value is to be read as its absolute value. The default is 0.
  • Handrail Smartline – When checked, a baseline is created that facilitates the creation of handrail. In default, the handrail polygon is parallel to the outer edge of peripheral shapes. If there is a side dismount ladder on the edge, there should not have handrail object.
    Tip: After this command, you can use "Handrail" tool and pick the preset polygon. Another dialog opens for further information about handrail structure object. This handrail will be created as structure object of its own. This permits you to construct and modify the handrail in detail independent of the circular platform.